In dealing with controversial topics such as, human cloning, there will always be juxtaposition of opinions regarding the ethical sense of the matter, the legality,and the safety among other things.It is for this reason that I did some research on the matter and wrote a small backgrounder to supplement the readers knowledge about human cloning.
First, in order to understand both arguments one must understand what human cloning is. According to various sources, human cloning is but not limited to the cloning of human beings, genes,biologically engineered organs, and stem cells. However the actual cloning of a human is what I believe is most controversial facet of this topic. In my research I learned that there are many benefits and uses of human cloning. Some of these benefits include, engineering new organs for people who need transplants,replacing damaged brain and nerve cells via stem cell research, and creating human life when/if life is endangered.
However, in doing my research I also learned of the cons regarding cloning.Many people feel that this is a matter of ethics and feel that by implementing/allowing human cloning to happen that scientists are "playing God" thus making this a question of faith/belief because some people believe that only "God" can create life. Many opponents of human cloning are againist it because they believe that the process is unsafe. When replicating is done with such fragile subjects such as human life, the opportunity for an epic fail are more than likely to occur. Some of these fails include deformaties/mutations, deaths, rejection of foreign cells.
Overall, I beleive the topic is a very worthwhile subject to cover and so controversial that readers will be intrigued enough to make their own cognitive decision/opinion based on what the learned about human cloning.