For many graduating seniors each day closer to graduation is a day closer to freedom. Freedom from the monotony of assignments, papers, and professors. This is exciting to some while being a frightening time for others.
One such senior is Kameron Branson, a Business Management major from Pittsburgh, PA.
"I am scared." he says quietly.
"While in school I always knew the next thing I was doing was the next semester." he pauses.
"Now that I am graduating there is no telling what direction my life will go in."
Being my second profile of a graduating senior this seem to be a continuinig theme. The uncertainty of the future and what it has to offer.
Noticing that some seniors have faced obstacles turning the once average four year stay into a 4.5-5 year stay I asked Kameron what was his.
" I declared my minor of Marketing in the second semester of my junior year." he says without a hint of regret.
"I didn't want to rush and plus I think the extra semester helped me out with getting prepared"
It seems like the extra semester has paid off for Kameron regarding his opportunities post-graduation. He has many opportunities lined up.
Branson credits his professional readiness to being in leadership positions such as President of Black Action Society and working with an array of different people.
Overall Kameron seems ready to face the world after graduation but one fear lingered in the back of his mind.
"For some reason in my college career it seems like nothing goes the way it’s supposed to go. I was, and still am, nervous about something going wrong causing me not to graduate. A missed credit, a fee I didn’t pay. Anything that could go wrong. It’s because of this fear, I have been very alert."
Being alert is a good thing.
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