In my final installment of senior profiles,one students story stuck out in my mind for the sheer courage she had pertaining to her future plans.
Kristin Fulwylie, a 22 year old Public Relations major from Pittsburgh, PA has a master plan that many students strive for but are scared to make the transition. Not Kristen.
"I'm really excited about what's ahead of me" she says, with a brilliant smile.
"I'm concerned about getting a job or finding the perfect job, but not worried".
What's ahead of her is a graduate program in Public Relations at the Utopian-like school of Full Sail University, an innovative school for creative types specializing in exciting programs ranging from Entertainment Business to Game Design.
Another Slippery Rock Alum, Sade Battle, is a close friend of Kristin and a recent graduate of the university. Kristin credits Sade with "encouraging" her to come and visit the school located in Orlando, Florida.
View Kristin's Journey in a larger map
"I love it. I'm excited. I'm ready for a change of scenery"
She credits not having immediate family in the area as a factor in finding it easy to move so far away from her childhood home.
Like the others seniors I did profiles on I asked Kristin why she didn't graduate in the traditional 4 year window.
" I took less credits each semester. I was on academic probation my freshman year so after that I took less credits so I could focus more on my studies. I raised my QPA"
She said as a freshmen she looked at upperclassmen like Jewelle Motley as examples for getting involved on campus in which Kristin was a Vice President on the University Programming Board. She champions getting involved to freshmen and underclassmen.
She says she learned many different things at Slippery Rock primarily taking what she learned in her classes such as Publication Production and PR Writing implementing them into her extracurricular activities.
Graduation can be a bittersweet time for many and Kristin claims she is not exempt from feeling some sadness.
" I definitely do have sadness in my heart. This was my life."
Kristin recalls her fellow classmates she came in with in the fall of 2006 and has fond memories.
"Our class has seen alot of good and bad but we all changed for the better."
"Only half of us made it but the one who made it, MADE IT" she exclaimed with glee.
Kristin has indeed MADE it.
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